You need a trusted auditor for your ISO 14001 (Environmental) certification. Choose System and Services Certification (SSC) for personal, expert assessment services, tailored to your business needs.
As local and global environmental issues bring increasingly restrictive rules affecting air, water and ground pollution, companies are seeking ways to improve their environmental impact.
In addition, several major automotive manufactures mandate ISO 14001 certification among suppliers.
SSC offers ISO 14001 certification to manufacturers and service industries worldwide. In addition to conserving vital resources and preventing pollution, companies achieving ISO 14001 certification report:
reduced operating costs from improved efficiency and waste reduction
reduced risk and environmental liabilities
improved health and safety conditions for employees and communities
improved government relations
enhanced marketing capabilities and corporate image
possible reduction of regulatory oversight
Benefits of ISO 14001 Certification
Reduced consumption of energy and materials
Reduced distribution costs
Reduced waste management costs
Improved corporate accountability
ISO 14001 Certification Process
Our experienced and highly-skilled ISO 14001 auditors are enthusiastic about their work and come to your company with a fresh perspective.
They take the time to listen and understand your business so they can add value throughout the auditing process.
We work together as partners with our clients to ensure audits are as efficient as possible to minimize any disruption during the audit. During each audit, we strive to reveal observations that can add value through reduced costs, increased efficiency, and decreased time to market.
Document Review
ISO 14001:2015 Initial Certification Assessment
ISO 14001:2015 Surveillance Assessments
An audit performed by SSC resulting in ISO 14001 certification provides your business:
A series of common standards that are implemented globally throughout the supply stream.
Public recognition for your commitment to a process which produces environmentally sound products or services, providing on-time delivery and meeting customer and consumer expectations.
Increased opportunities for new business from customers that require ISO 14001 certification.
External, independent validation that your environmental management system conforms to the requirements of ISO 14001.
Independent feedback and discussions to foster continual improvement to help your bottom line.
Why choose SSC as your ISO 14001 auditor?
We maintain open communication with you throughout the entire process.
We welcome your feedback and discussion in an objective manner.
Our proprietary certification process is designed to provide objective, value-added feedback on your business performance.
Our auditors also are required to pass an industry competency test, which ensures you have the most knowledgeable auditors working to help you with the ISO 14001 certification process.
Call SSC today to discuss your ISO 14001 auditor needs.
If you are already certified for ISO 14001 through another registrar, you can transfer your certification to SSC. To get started, contact us today